If you just finished you taking your JAMB examinations then I’m sure you will most likely want to know how to print original JAMB result.
All universities require admission seekers to submit their original JAMB result slip as a part of the requirements for the admission process.
It should be quite a stress-free procedure for you. Continue reading and we will show you how to print original JAMB result slip in few minutes.
What is Original JAMB Result Slip?

The original JAMB UTME result slip is a must document that is required in all Nigerian institutions at all times during admission screening exercise.
It contains the overall score of your JAMB and the break-down for each subject
How To Print Original JAMB Result Slip

1. Please log in via https:/www.jamb.org.ng/eFacility to the JAMB e-Facility Portal
2. Before logging in, you must have an account. If you don’t have an account, click HERE to create one.
3. Click the Print Result button located on the portal’s center-left page.
4. Use your debit card or bank to make your payment online [Please note: You MUST pay with your JAMB account built on this website.
Payment from another account would make the service you need to be tied to the paying account]
5. After a satisfactory payment, the result slip can now be printed by ‘selecting your exam year’ and entering your ‘JAMB registration number’ in the appropriate column.
NOTE: Use of this Service is not FREE but costs N1,000 to view and print the original result slip on the JAMB portal
With this, you should have no problem meeting this requirement for your admission process.
How to print original JAMB result slip hasn’t been this easy.
Get it done and be on your way to successfully being an undergraduate.
Hopefully, this post was helpful, however, should you have further questions, please reach out to us via the comment section. And don’t forget to like and share.