Few things are more comforting than buying whatever you want online and having it delivered exactly to you door step within the shortest possible time. This and more are what Wayfair offers its users
With over 5000 brands of furniture, lighting, cookware, and more. And even free Shipping on most items, Wayfair remains an ideal option if you want only the best.
Wayfair is an online e-commerce website where consumers can browse and buy furniture and home items.
The online platform allows users to create or change accounts, browse a list of products posted by registered vendors, examine product information and photos, and purchase things using a variety of payment options.
Despite the ease and convenience Wayfair offers to its users, some users however, for some reason or the other seek to delete their Wayfair account.
Whatever the reason may be, if you want to delete your Wayfair account, here is how
How to Delete Your Wayfair Account
If you’re canceling this account because of email spamming here is what to do
- Marking the email as spam
- Unsubscribe from their newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email
However here are ways to permanently delete your account from with Wayfair
Deleting Your Wayfair Account Via Website
- Go to https://www.wayfair.com/contact us/account
- Select MY ACCOUNT OR PAYMENTS from the drop-down menu.
- The sign-in option will display after clicking on the My Account or Payments option.
- Simply log in to your account and the additional options will display below.
- Select SOMETHING ELSE from the Choose an Action section.
- Select Email Link from the Choose a Contact Method column.
- Just fill out the form data like name and email address that will show right below the email link.
- State your reason for deleting your account in the Enter Details box, then click the Send Message button.
There you have it, simple steps on how to delete your Wayfair account.
We hope this was helpful to you. Leave us a feedback via the comment section when you successfully delete your account.