APP How to How to Delete

How To Permanently Delete Your Bethesda Account

It is relatively easy for addiction to slip in without us knowing until it is very obvious, ever caught yourself in that loop before? 

What easier habit to get drawn to than gaming.

Just like the others, Bethseda is a sure game that if not regulated by the user, can take a considerable amount of your productive time.

However, whatever the reason may be, here is how to permanently delete your Bethesda account if you ever find cause to.

What are Bethseda Games

The Future of Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Games is a computer and video games developing and publishing company that has created and released a number of popular PC and console games.

Best known for the games and series it internally develops where users can download games for free.

The game allows users to establish or change their account information, browse the list of Bethesda games, purchase the game using a variety of payment methods, and get support for the game they purchased.

How to Permanently Delete Your Bethesda Account

Bethesda Softworks | LinkedIn

If you’re deleting your account because of email spamming here is what to do

  • Marking the email as spam

  • Unsubscribe from their newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email

However here is how to permanently delete your Bethesda account

Deleting Your Bethesda Account Via Email

  • Open the email address you used to register for the app.

  • Now write an email to


  • Now including your user ID and email address, give your reason for deleting your account and send

  • You should get feedback from Bathseda Games in at least seven (7) days


How to permanently delete your Bethesda account hasn’t been this easy.

Hopefully, this post was helpful, do well to leave us a comment via the comment section and share your experience with us.

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