100 Level Courses For Engineering Students In Nigeria

Are you a prospective Engineering student in Nigeria? Do you want the courses you’ll offer once you get in?

Don’t worry; we got you! This post will give you a detailed note on the various courses you will encounter when you eventually get into Engineering 100 Level.

100 Level Courses For Engineering Students In Nigeria

Universities all over Nigeria have the same pattern of testing students (Engineering students inclusive) on what they studied in O’Level during examinations.

Engineering is a very broad faculty with the various department in it, and these different department includes but is not limited to

  1. Chemical engineering
  2. Petroleum Engineering
  3. Polymer/Textile Engineering
  4. Software Engineer
  5. Marine Engineering
  6. Electrical/Electronics Engineering
  7. Agricultural Engineering
  8. Computer Engineering
  9. Metallurgy and Material Engineering

Students who are aspiring these disciplines would have to undergo some 100 level introductory courses, which Includes

100 Level Courses For Engineering Students In Nigeria

  • Basic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Practical Physics
  • Practical Chemistry
  • Mechanics, Thermal Physics, and Properties of Matter
  • Calculus
  • Algebra and Trigonometry
  • Vibration, Wave, and Optics
  • Use of English Language
  • Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
  • Nigerian People and Culture

Some of the courses are briefly explained below

Organic Chemistry

Now this involves topics bordering on functional groups, the homologous series, alkanes, alkenes, and their likes. So if you are studying Organic Chemistry using the textbook by Ababio, it is found in the section called Organic chemistry.

Practical Physics

As the name implies, practical physics is those aspects of physics that can be performed in the laboratory, such as electricity, thermal elasticity, and others.

Mechanics, Thermal Physics, and Properties of Matter

As the name implies, it has to do with physics’s mechanical, thermal, and physical aspects, such as motion and heat.

Vibration, Wave, and Optics

This is often referred to as the wave course because it encompasses all the various topics in physics that have to do with waves such as sound, light, and others.

Use of English Language

This is basic English studies. It is under general studies and is a must for all students. Do not panic, and it is not actually difficult.

Nigerian People and Culture

If you love the culture of Nigeria or not, you will surely love this course. All it does is give you an insight into what major religions and cultures in Nigeria, beliefs, and practices.

Practical Chemistry

As the name implies, practical chemistry is the aspect of Chemistry that can be performed in the laboratory, such as salt tests, acid and base titration, etc.


So that is all on the courses 100 level Engineering students will face when they get admitted into the university. We hope this was helpful to you.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, don’t hesitate to say them in the comment section as we would love to hear from you.

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